Welcome to Buscador Winery
Holiday Deal – Receive 25% off all online orders!
Open Fridays – Mondays from 12:00 to 5:00 pm. Reservations are not required for groups of 6 or less. Wine tasting is $25 but free with purchase. Cheers – Matt, Steph & Lincoln
Our Wines
Team Buscador

Brains of the gig. A vision of wine with truth and searching for a way to actualize the realization of purity in the art of wine. Is there anything more important than creation? Think about it…

The Heart of Buscador. The Inspiration for the Tasting Room. The reason we can pay our bills with a Real Job. The Lover of Truth. Sales & Marketing rock star. Living the truthful life.

Prefers beer to wine but isn’t picky. If it’s beer, IPA definitely. The hoppier the better. If it’s wine, all forms of dessert wine. Sweet & alcoholic. Busted for under age drinking many times.